We can help you

Are you a regulated platform?
We are under Vanuatu Financial Service Commission (Licence No. 700 415)
How many account types do you have?
We have two types of account: Standard Account (No charges but with competitive market spread) and Pro Account (USD$7 service charge round trip but with smaller spread)
What is the leverage of the platform?
Different product with different leverage, the highest is 1:500
What is the position stop out ratio?
Stop out ratio is 50%
What is your maximum leverage per product?
Maximum leverage for our major FOREX pairs is 500, Indices is 100, Gold is 500, Oil is 200, Crypto is 30, and subject to change
Where will my funds be held?
Your funds are kept in a separate trust account with AAA rated banks and are safe
What is the minimum deposit and withdrawal limit of your USDT, and is there any handling fee?
We do not charge any handling fee for now, minimum deposit is USD100, minimum withdrawal is USD100, handling fee is USD10 per transaction.
Which server do I choose in setting up MT4?
How to deposit and withdraw via RMB?
Log in to client portal, in funds management section to apply.
Can I apply for a MAM account?
A MAM account can be applied, with a total deposit of at least $100,000 and at least 3 valid sub-accounts
What information do I need to provide to open an account?
ID card, email, mobile phone number
Do you have an official website?
You can register an account on our official website. www.decodefx.com
Is there a download link for MT4?
MT4 Android download: https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/metaquotes.software.corp/mt4/metatrader4.apk
you can visit our website: www.decodefx.com/mt to download.
MT4 Windows download: https://download.mql5.com/cdn/web/20343/mt4/decodegloballtd4setup.exe
you can visit our website: www.decodefx.com/mt to download
What are your deposit and withdrawal methods?
China: Union Pay, Wechat Pay, USDT, Emergency Deposit.
Indonesia: USD Wire Transfer, FasaPay, Paytrust, USDT.
Malaysia: USD Wire Transfer, Paytrust, USDT.
Vietnam: USD Wire Transfer, Paytrust, USDT.
Philippines: USD Wire Transfer, Dragonpay, USDT.
Thailand: USD Wire Transfer, Paypaid, USDT.
Other: USD Wire Transfer, USDT
What is the acceptance time for deposits and withdrawals?
1-3 working days.
Does the platform have deposit and withdrawal fees?
Union Pay & Wechat Pay – 1.5%.
USDT – per lot 10 USDT (Gas Fee).
USD Wire Transfer – 0%, 1% handling fee will be charged for cross-currency withdrawals.
FasaPay – 0%.
Paytrust – 1.5%.
Dragonpay – 2%.
Paypaid – 1.5%
Margin calculation formula?
1. Margin calculation formula: Margin (quote currency) = (Price × Contract size × Lot) ÷ Leverage level.
2. The maximum trading lots: 100 lots of foreign exchange, 50 lots of metals, 10 lots of crude oil, 100 lots of stock indices, and 10 lots of cryptocurrencies.
How to change MT4 password?
Log in to your MetaTrader 4 platform, click Tools in the upper left corner, click Options, and in the Options window, select Server. If the password box is blank, enter your password and click change, the window to change password will appear. First, you need to enter your password, then, to confirm your new password, click OK.
Where is your server?
Our main servers are located in the United States, and we have data centres at different locations.
Can I use EA on the platform?
Yes, MetaTrader 4 allows you to use automated trading strategies, called Expert Advisors (EAs), to perform timely technical analysis of price data and manage trading activity based on current market conditions. If you are using an EA and do not have a Virtual Private Server (VPS) subscription, your EAs will stop working when you log out of Meta Trader. As EAs are created by independent third parties, Decodefx is not responsible for their completeness, reliability or accuracy. Clients use EAs at their own risk. If you have questions about how EA works, you need to contact the EA provider. Remember, if you don't install VPS, the EAs you set will stop working after you exit MT4.
Why is my order filled at a different price?
What is slippage? When you use MT4, your order will be filled at the first available market price. Sometimes, it can be worse or better than what you see at the time of trade. This is called slippage. During the first hour after the end of the day, news releases and periods of extreme market volatility, all orders are likely to decline. If there is an extreme world event over the weekend, there could be a significant difference in prices between Friday’s close and Sunday’s open. This is known as the spread and means no tradable prices between Friday’s close and Sunday’s open. All orders triggered by a price increase will be filled at Decodefx's opening price on Sunday. Thin trading volumes can also create price instability and/or slippage.
I think there is an error in my transaction, what should I do?
Please email your problems encountered in trading to [email protected], please provide us with: trading account number, order number, journal and a brief description, and fill out a trade investigation form, we will investigate and resolve your query as soon as possible
Why am I being charged overnight on Wednesdays and Thursdays?
On Wednesday and Friday (depending on type of product you trade), you are charged or credited with triple swaps as it needs to account for the settlement of trades through the weekend. The foreign exchange settlement is in the mode of T+3, Futures products do not incur any swap fees.
Which products will be charged for overnight on Wednesdays and Thursdays?
Forex, Precious Metals on Wednesdays. Indices, Cryptos and Oil on Fridays
Type of currency
Customer forgot the original transaction master password
Please email request to [email protected] with subject: Please reset my trading password
Customer forgot client portal password
Please retrieve the account opening email or click Forgot Password to reset it on the client portal login page
Client portal cannot be opened
If the client login URL portal.decodefx.com cannot be opened, please try the following URL: https://portal.decodefx.win/login
I can't access your official website
Please use alternative URLs to visit us: